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Project Overview

Parrot is committed to building an innovative decentralized AI computing power platform to meet the growing demand for AI computing power. In the current AI field, the training and inference of large-scale models require massive computational resources, leading to high costs and limited accessibility. Our goal is to create a highly scalable platform by integrating blockchain technology and distributed GPU hardware resources, making AI computing power more affordable and widely available.

Main Objectives

Parrot aims to achieve the following main objectives. First, provide distributed GPU computing power to support the training and inference of large-scale AI models. By attracting computational power providers from around the world, we will provide the necessary computing resources for AI researchers, data scientists, and businesses. Second, we are committed to reducing the cost of training and inference by making AI computing power more cost-effective through distributed computing and competitive token rewards. Most importantly, Parrot will promote the development of AI research and applications, drive innovation, and help solve complex real-world problems.

Key Features

Parrot has several key features that set it apart in the market. First, we use smart contracts for automation, allowing users to quickly and transparently access computing resources without intermediaries or complex contracts. Second, we introduce a token reward mechanism to incentivize computational power providers to actively participate, ensuring efficient resource utilization based on the complexity and duration of computing tasks. Finally, we will place a strong focus on security, implementing multiple layers of security measures to protect user data and transaction integrity.

Expected Outcomes

We expect to achieve a series of significant impacts following the successful implementation of the project. First, we will significantly reduce the cost of AI computing power, making it affordable for more individuals, research institutions, and businesses. This will promote innovation, accelerate progress in AI research, and lead to broader applications across various industries. Second, we will increase the accessibility of AI computing resources, eliminating geographical limitations, and allowing users from around the world to easily access the required computing power. Finally, we hope to attract global community support and explore the forefront of the AI field by building an ecosystem that addresses some of the most pressing societal issues.

Parrot's vision is to drive the adoption and development of AI technology through the construction of a decentralized AI computing power platform to address current and future challenges. We believe this platform will have a profound impact on the future of the AI field, creating more opportunities and innovation potential for global society.


Background and Motivation

In the current digital age, both artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology have become at the forefront of innovation worldwide. AI leads the evolution of science and technology, facilitating widespread applications from healthcare to financial services. However, the rapid development of AI has also brought about massive computational demands, particularly in the training and inference of large-scale models. At the same time, blockchain technology has demonstrated its irreplaceable advantages in areas such as finance, supply chain, identity verification, including transparency, decentralization, and security.

The primary motivation in the background is addressing the explosive growth of AI computing power demands and how the ideal attributes of blockchain technology can address this challenge. As more and more enterprises and research institutions compete for large-scale AI computing resources, traditional cloud computing services often cannot provide sufficient resources and can be costly. Blockchain technology provides an ideal solution for AI computing power platforms, meeting the needs of this vast market through decentralization, security, transparency, and programmable smart contracts. The fusion of AI and blockchain not only makes computing resources more widely available but also empowers users with greater control and data privacy protection, driving the convergence of AI and blockchain.

Fusion of Blockchain Technology and AI

The core idea of Parrot is to seamlessly integrate blockchain technology with AI to build a decentralized AI computing power platform. Smart contracts play a crucial role on this platform, automating tasks management, token reward distribution, user authorization, and data privacy protection. The distributed ledger of blockchain ensures transparency and immutability of task records, providing a high level of trust for users. Additionally, the decentralized network eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing costs, and strengthening user control over their data.

Choosing the right blockchain technology and smart contract design is a critical decision. We will delve into why specific blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Polkadot, or others were chosen to meet our needs. Smart contracts will play a key role in the automated execution of tasks within the platform, and we will provide detailed insights into their functionalities and design principles.

Technical Foundation

Overview of Blockchain Technology

To gain a deeper understanding of how we combine blockchain technology with the AI computing power platform, let's first explore the core concepts of blockchain. A blockchain is a decentralized distributed ledger that records all transactions and operations that occur on the network. This ledger is composed of a series of data blocks, with each block containing multiple transaction records from a specific time period. One of the key characteristics of blockchain is its decentralization, as it relies on multiple nodes in the network to verify and record transactions.

Consensus mechanisms are critical to ensuring the security and consistency of a blockchain. Two common consensus mechanisms are Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). PoW requires nodes to solve mathematical puzzles before creating new blocks, requiring significant computational power and, therefore, offering high security. PoS, on the other hand, determines the authority to create new blocks based on the number of tokens held by nodes, contributing to energy efficiency.

The Importance of GPU Hardware

Behind the AI computing power platform, GPU hardware plays a crucial role. GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, is a highly parallel computing hardware initially designed for graphics rendering but widely adopted for deep learning and AI tasks. Its core feature is processing large amounts of data simultaneously, accelerating computation speed, making it an ideal choice for training and inference of large-scale AI models.

The role of GPUs in the field of AI involves parallel computing and accelerated processing. Training large neural network models requires a significant amount of matrix operations that can be effectively parallelized to speed up training. Additionally, the high computational power of GPUs is used to efficiently process input data during the inference phase, making the model's responses more rapid.

AI Computing Power Demand and Challenges

Training and inferring large-scale AI models require substantial computational resources, including computing power, memory, and bandwidth. Model training demands significant computational power to perform parameter optimization processes and requires ample memory to store intermediate computation results. Furthermore, bandwidth is a critical factor, especially in distributed training and inference of models, where data transfer speed is crucial to overall performance.

Faced with these challenges, an AI computing power platform needs to meet high-performance computing requirements while maintaining a highly scalable and available resource pool. This means the platform must be capable of scheduling and managing thousands of GPU devices to meet the demands of various tasks. Data privacy and security are also significant challenges, requiring appropriate measures to protect user data and the security of smart contracts.

To address these challenges, we will delve into how to design and manage the technical infrastructure of the platform to meet the high-performance and high-security AI computing power demands while ensuring a highly scalable resource pool.

Platform Architecture

The design of the Parrot architecture aims to achieve high scalability to ensure the platform can meet the ever-growing demand for AI computing power while maintaining a high level of security and availability. The collaboration of validating nodes and computing nodes, along with the automatic execution of smart contracts, will ensure transparency of tasks and the enforcement of rules. User-friendly interfaces and applications will facilitate widespread user adoption, paving the way for the success of Parrot.

Blockchain Infrastructure

The core of Parrot is blockchain technology, providing a reliable decentralized infrastructure that ensures transparency and immutability of transactions. When choosing blockchain technology, we will consider multiple factors, including performance, security, ecosystem support, and development tools. Ethereum is a prominent choice, as it offers support for smart contracts, which will play a crucial role on Parrot.

Smart contracts are the soul of Parrot. They are self-executing computer programs responsible for managing task allocation, reward distribution, user authorization, and data privacy protection. These smart contracts will ensure the platform's automated operation and eliminate the need for intermediaries. We will provide a detailed explanation of how smart contracts interact with users, from task submission to reward distribution.

Design of Decentralized Network

Parrot adopts a decentralized network composed of multiple nodes, including validating nodes and computing nodes. The primary responsibilities of validating nodes include transaction validation, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain, executing smart contracts, and checking the status of computing nodes. Validating nodes will ensure the security and consistency of the network while executing reward distribution.

Validating Nodes

Validating nodes play a crucial role in the network. They verify tasks submitted by users and validate transactions on the blockchain. Validating nodes also execute smart contracts, including monitoring the operational status of computing nodes, executing computing orders, and distributing rewards. Validating nodes are essential for ensuring the security and reliability of the platform and also serve as its governors.

Computing Nodes

Computing nodes are the providers of the platform. They are responsible for supplying GPU computing power, executing training and inference tasks, and receiving corresponding rewards. These nodes consolidate thousands of GPU hardware resources onto the platform to offer computing resources to users. One of the roles of computing nodes is to execute smart contracts, ensuring tasks are carried out according to the rules, and the results of execution can be verified and recorded.

User Interfaces and Applications

To enable users to interact easily with the platform, we provide user-friendly interfaces and applications. Through these interfaces, users can submit tasks, stake nodes, withdraw rewards, monitor task progress, view transaction history, and more. We will offer detailed guides to ensure users can make the most of the platform's features, whether they are individual researchers, data scientists, or business users.

Main Features

Computing Providers

Computing providers are a key component of Parrot, supporting the platform's functionality by offering GPU hardware resources. Computing providers need to complete a registration process, verify their GPU hardware to ensure it meets the platform's requirements. The registration process will include identity verification to establish trust and prevent malicious behavior. A secure wallet connection is a vital tool for computing providers, used for receiving rewards, participating in tasks, and securing their transactions. Once registration is complete, computing providers can easily start offering their computing power, earning token rewards.

Task Submission and Scheduling

Users can submit various tasks, such as model training, image recognition, data analysis, and more through Parrot. The task submission process is simple and intuitive; users only need to provide a task description, requirements, and reward settings. Task scheduling is a critical feature of Parrot, ensuring tasks are assigned to the appropriate computing nodes to meet task requirements. Task queue management is also a part of task scheduling to ensure task priorities and execution order.

Task Monitoring

To provide users with real-time control over their tasks, the platform offers task monitoring functionality. Users can monitor task progress, performance, resource utilization, and task completion status at any time. This visual monitoring system allows users to understand task execution and take action when needed. Additionally, users can view task history for review and analysis.

Developer SDK

To meet the diverse needs of different users, the platform provides a developer SDK that allows AI enterprises and individual users to build their own AI applications based on the platform's interface. These applications can cover various fields such as speech recognition, image recognition, intelligent agents, robots, digital twins, and metaverse. The SDK will provide documentation and sample code to help developers get started quickly, expanding the platform's ecosystem.

Token Reward System

Parrot's token reward system ensures an incentive mechanism for users and computing providers. Reward calculations will be based on task complexity, duration, and resource usage. Reward distribution will follow clear rules to ensure fairness and transparency. Token storage and transactions will also be crucial features of the platform, allowing users to trade tokens within the platform or withdraw tokens to external wallets for further operations.

These main features will ensure the platform's high flexibility and availability while meeting the needs of different user groups. From computing providers to task submitters, from developers to regular users, everyone can benefit from the platform, driving progress and innovation in the field of AI. The token reward system will provide users with incentives to actively participate in the platform, collectively creating a thriving ecosystem.

User Incentives

This section will provide a detailed explanation of the token reward mechanism and the token economic model, as well as how the relationship between computing providers and users is established and maintained. Through a transparent and fair incentive mechanism, we aim to attract more users and computing providers to actively participate, collectively driving the development and innovation of the Parrot project.

Token Reward Mechanism

The token reward mechanism is a key element of Parrot, incentivizing computing providers to actively engage with the platform and ensure efficient utilization of computing resources. The calculation of token rewards is a complex process, considering multiple factors. First, token rewards will be based on the complexity of tasks, such as model size, the number of training iterations, and data volume. More complex tasks will receive higher rewards to reflect their computational demands.

Secondly, the duration of task execution will be one of the factors in reward calculation. Tasks that run for extended periods will receive higher rewards to encourage providers to offer persistent computing resources to Parrot. Additionally, market supply and demand will also impact reward levels. When platform demand exceeds supply, rewards will increase, incentivizing more computing providers to participate.

##Token Economic Model Parrot's token economic model aims to maintain the stability of token supply and the sustainability of the platform economy. Firstly, token supply will be limited to avoid inflation. The issuance of new tokens will be influenced by task demand and market conditions to ensure supply matches demand. This helps maintain the value and stability of the tokens.

Parrot's governance mechanism will also be a part of the token economic model. Users and token holders will have the opportunity to participate in decision-making, including platform upgrades, modification of reward mechanisms, dispute resolution, and more. This will establish a community-driven platform, enabling users to collectively shape its future and ensure Parrot meets their needs.

Computing Provider and User Relations

Community building and user engagement are critical factors for platform success. Establishing trust will be a primary task between computing providers and users. Parrot will provide a feedback mechanism allowing users to evaluate the performance and reliability of computing providers, enhancing trust. Additionally, social interaction and collaboration will encourage users to establish connections, collectively explore and share the potential of AI computing power.

The relationship between computing providers and users will also play a significant role in the platform's ecosystem. Together, they will build a community that explores and addresses challenges in the field of AI, promoting technological development and applications. Users will not only be consumers of the platform but also participants and co-creators, contributing to the platform's success.

Security and Privacy

In this section, we will provide a detailed description of Parrot's security and privacy measures to ensure the safety and privacy of user data, prevent potential security threats, and provide a secure usage environment for users. Security and privacy are fundamental to the success of Parrot, and we are committed to their implementation and maintenance.

Data Privacy Protection

User data privacy is one of Parrot's core concerns. We will employ multiple approaches to safeguard user data privacy. Firstly, data will be stored with encryption to ensure that only authorized users can access and decrypt the data. Secondly, we will utilize decentralized storage solutions, dispersing data across multiple nodes to reduce the risk of a single point of failure. Additionally, we will use privacy protection technologies such as differential privacy and homomorphic encryption to safeguard user privacy during data usage and sharing.

Secure Transmission

The security of data transmission is crucial. We will employ state-of-the-art encryption communication technologies to ensure data is protected during the transmission process. Network isolation will be used to segregate different network traffic, reducing potential attack surfaces. Authentication and authorization mechanisms will ensure that only legitimate users can access and transmit data, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks.

Blockchain Security

Parrot's blockchain technology will utilize distributed ledger and node consensus mechanisms to ensure security and immutability. The writing and auditing of smart contracts will be a critical step to ensure their security. Auditing and vulnerability patching mechanisms will be conducted regularly to detect and address potential security vulnerabilities in a timely manner. The platform will also undergo regular upgrades to maintain security and stability while addressing known vulnerabilities.

User Authentication and Authorization

To ensure platform security, both computing nodes and verification nodes will be required to stake a certain amount of tokens. Additionally, every step of computing resource scheduling will require authentication and authorization to ensure that only legitimate users can operate. User identities will be confirmed through multi-factor authentication, including passwords, biometrics, and more. This will provide an additional layer of security for the platform.

#Development Roadmap

Initial Stages

Development: We will commence the development of key project technologies, including blockchain infrastructure, smart contracts, user interfaces, and SDKs. This stage will emphasize the stability and performance of the technology.

Early Partnerships: We will seek early partnerships, including computing resource providers, users, research institutions, and enterprises, to establish an ecosystem.

Community Building: We will actively build a community, connect with potential users and partners, gather feedback and insights, and continuously improve the project.

Testnet Phase

Testing: We will conduct comprehensive testing and simulations to ensure the reliability and security of Parrot. This includes functional testing, performance testing, and security testing.

Community Incentives and Airdrops: We will actively engage with the community, connect with potential users and partners, gather feedback and insights, and continuously improve the project.

Mainnet Launch Phase

In the Mainnet Launch Phase, the project will achieve the following goals:

Mainnet Launch: We will release the mainnet version of Parrot, allowing users to interact with Parrot. The mainnet launch will signify the official commencement of the project.

Ecosystem Expansion: We will aim to expand the project's ecosystem, attracting more computing resource providers and users to increase Parrot's availability and scale.

Third-party Application Development: We will encourage third-party developers to build applications and tools to expand Parrot's functionality and utility.

Governance Model Introduction: We will introduce a governance model that allows community participation in the management and decision-making of Parrot to ensure transparency and sustainable development.

Long-term Vision

In the long-term vision of the Parrot project, we will strive towards the following directions:

Technical Improvements: We will continuously improve the technology of the Parrot platform, including performance optimization, enhanced security, and the introduction of new features.

Global Expansion: We will seek to expand the project's global influence, attracting more international partners and users to build a global community.

Social Impact: We will focus on the project's impact on society, actively participating in addressing social issues such as education, healthcare, and sustainable development.

Future Partnerships: We will seek deep partnerships with other organizations, including businesses, research institutions, and governments, to advance the long-term vision of the project.

Our long-term vision is to establish a decentralized AI computing platform with broad social impact, providing value to users and partners, advancing AI technology, and promoting sustainable social development. We will continually strive to realize this vision.

#Conclusion The Parrot project aims to build a decentralized AI computing platform that provides distributed GPU computing power for large model inference and training while incentivizing computing resource providers. Here are our conclusions and the next steps in our action plan:

Summarizing Key Points

Above, we introduced the key concepts and solutions of the Parrot project. We emphasized the uniqueness of Parrot, including smart contract automation, token reward mechanisms, high security, and decentralization. Parrot will bring new possibilities to the AI computing market, providing high-performance, scalable computing resources.

Vision and Mission

The vision of our Parrot project is to become a leading global decentralized AI computing platform, driving the development and application of AI technology, promoting sustainable social development. Our mission is to provide high-performance computing resources for users, incentivize computing resource providers, and establish an ecosystem with societal impact.

Next Steps Action Plan

Next, we will embark on the following action plan:

Development: We will wholeheartedly develop the platform's key technologies, ensuring the platform's performance and stability. Testing: We will conduct comprehensive testing to ensure the platform's reliability and security. Launch: We plan to release the platform's mainnet version within the specified timeline, allowing users to interact on the platform. Partnership Building: We will actively seek deep relationships with partners, including computing resource providers, users, research institutions, and enterprises. Community Building: We will work to establish an actively engaged community, maintaining close connections with users and partners, collectively driving the project's development. Through these next steps, we will gradually realize our vision, provide more value to users and partners, advance AI technology, and achieve sustainable social development. We look forward to the challenges and opportunities of the future and will relentlessly strive for the project's success.